Richmond, VA

A Mother’s Thank You Letter to Lansing Associates

April 2024


For a second year, The Lansing Foundation organized a community service project as part of our National Meetings. Over the course of two National Meetings, Lansing associates constructed four playsets and eight playhouses along with a $50,000 Lansing Foundation donation to Roc Solid, an organization whose mission is to build hope for every child and family fighting pediatric cancer.

Alaina, a one-year-old little girl fighting cancer, and her family received a playset constructed at the National Sales Meeting. Colt, a three-year-old boy battling brain cancer, and his family received another playset at the National Operations Meeting.

Roc Solid shared this message from Colt’s mother, Michelle, to Eric Newman of Roc Solid, The Lansing Foundation, and all Lansing associates.

As we reflect on the events from last week, we are so overwhelmed with gratitude and a new sense of hope and joy. I wanted to let you know how deeply you have impacted our lives at a time we needed it most. This was our very first trip that had nothing to do with surgeries, treatments, or scans. When we checked into the hotel, Joey asked if we were in Tennessee (St Jude). When we told him no, he then asked if we were there to see a new doctor. It was so gratifying to look at both of them and say we were there for FUN! Every aspect of the trip- from the gift card, to the shirts, to the snacks, to the view- it was all so incredibly thoughtful.

When Colt was diagnosed at just 18 months old, we were told he wouldn’t see today. If he did, it wouldn’t look like this. I remember sitting in Chick-Fil-A last Spring, watching Joey in the play area and Colt had to stay with me. I remember him begging to go play with his brother.  I fought back tears as he couldn’t climb the stairs and he didn’t understand why after three brain surgeries, we couldn’t risk a knock to his head. He wasn’t strong enough yet. All he wanted to do was play, he has fought so incredibly hard to just be a kid. 

On this journey you hear from so many people “I can’t imagine what you’re going through, I’m sorry”. But sometimes, you get to meet someone who looks at you and says, “I know what you’re going through, and I’m sorry”. Eric, thank you for sharing your story with us. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest, answering all of our questions and giving us the perspective from the cancer kiddo’s point of view. It is invaluable. What you have done is remarkable and I hope you know just how brave you are.

We came home with hearts full of so much hope, that this year will be a year of new beginnings. To every single person we met last week (from Roc Solid & Lansing), and to all of the people who made this happen that we didn’t get a chance to see, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. A million times over, thank you.


Michelle, Joe, Joey & Colt 

Please take two minutes to watch this video of Colt and Alaina, and their families receiving a playset constructed by Lansing Associates at the National Meetings.

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